Diobox provides access to email engagement data across various areas within the platform, ensuring you can easily find the latest stats.
You can view this data in the following places:
The Dashboard displays a summary of email engagement for all emails and invitations sent within an event, helping you gauge overall interaction.
Guest Profile
The guest profile includes a list of activities for each guest. Clicking on each of these will show you the detailed email engagement data. The icon colors also correspond to the email statuses, allowing you to quickly identify the status without clicking into each item.
Email Sent Page
After sending a bulk email, this page provides a detailed campaign report, under the Email Engagement section, including a breakdown of engagement statuses by percentage and count.
Email Report
You can view and filter email reports by status for each campaign. To access this, click on the Email Options dropdown.
Email Export
For further analysis, you can export an email report as a CSV file that includes recipient engagement data.
A general Guest Export will also include counts for each email status. For more information, refer to the Export Data guide.